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Thursday, December 2, 2010
Fancy some whimsy?
Fine print:
**You must be a Facebook fan to win.
**I will cover shipping costs to US destinations. If you are elsewhere, I'm happy to ship to you *but* due to finances, I will need to ask you to chip in with the shipping via Paypal.
**Skirt will be completed before Christmas, but may not make it to your home before then.
To enter, please leave a comment on the blog telling me one thing that inspires you OR your favorite thing about Dreaming Monet.
One entry per person, please.
I'll use the random number generator to pull a winner at 11.59PM MST on Saturday, 4 December.
Good luck!!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Lost Doll Story
I preferred spiders to dolls until I was a girl of eleven years old, when the first glossy American Girl doll catalogue showed up in our mailbox. Our hilltop house had a huge swooping roof, and black widow spiders who nested amid rocks in our yard. I would sit on a ledge of boulders and stare down into the cottony webs, jealous of the sleek spiders with their long glossy legs and how they conjured respect and fear in my cruel classmates, who I feared far more than any venomous spider.
I was an outsider. My generically Protestant family had moved to a small Mormon town in Utah smack dab at the beginning of sixth grade. A tall, gawking fat girl, and a religious outsider at that, I was an easy target for my peers. I wore new bruises, physical and emotional, home at the end of each school day.
On Christmas morning I unwrapped the burgundy Pleasant Company box. Kirsten’s tight blonde braids and blue eyes shone even brighter than in the catalogue photo I’d pressed to my cheek for many nights prior, wishing out the window on every star. It doesn’t get much more outsider than being a brave immigrant, so Kirsten was a sympathetic ear for my troubles. Day after day I poured my troubles out to her. I carried her into the desert behind our house, and talked to her over sage cakes and juniper berry tarts.
I dressed Kirsten in new outfits my mom had sewn, and saved my allowance week after week until I could order each new accessory kit. I cried into her shiny hair as we moved to the Midwest and I endured more (and more complicated and grown-up) bullying. I entered painful adolescence and Kirsten’s joints loosened and her hair frizzed. Her soft body gathered stains. I loved her.
I was eighteen when I moved into a cramped house full of other misfit young adults, and a few short months later I moved out and into a college dorm. It was during this move that the burgundy box, now quite worn, was stolen. I never saw my Kirsten, or many of her accessories or outfits my mother had sewn her, again.
Years of bullying behind me, I took solid root into my present and shot into the future determined to live with a sensitive, compassionate heart. I received a replacement Kirsten one year as a Christmas gift, but she could not replace the Kirsten I had loved during my formative years.
I have a small daughter now. She is sensitive and beautiful, and I want for her to have an easier time of things than I did. I’ve wanted to take the Fröken Skicklig e-course for quite some time now but cannot afford it. If I win this contest for a spot in the January e-course, I’ll stitch up the softest, kindest doll for Alice to carry into her childhood – though I think the doll carries the child, as a bridge does, bearing her over the treacherous spaces with grace.
Thank you for the chance to win.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
AccuQuiltGO! Giveaway
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Giveaway for Facebook Fans!
-semi-custom cape or capelet, OR
-semi-custom petal skirt, OR
-semi-custom blouse.

By semi-custom, I mean I'll ask your color preferences, the type of doll who will wear the garment, and then I will work within my fabric stash to come up with a garment you'll love.
To enter, you must be a fan of Dreaming Monet on Facebook.
ALSO, please leave either a piece of advice specific to my shop, Facebook page, my clothing and / or quilts.
If you don't have any advice (or even if you do), how about telling me your favorite item in my shop or sold items?
Would you like an extra entry or two?
-Tell your friends about Dreaming Monet. If they become a fan, and enter the giveaway, you each receive an extra entry--please ask them to tell me you sent them, though!
-Become a blog follower.
-Tell me you are already a blog follower.
Please be sure I have a way to contact you. Contest ends 10PM PST on Friday, September 10. The winner will be drawn by random number generator and will be announced both here and on Facebook by noon on Saturday, September 11 (though probably sooner, because I won't be able to wait that long)!
Good luck!!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Husqvarna Serger Contest Entry
I was born in Savannah, Georgia, to Midwestern parents. In Savannah, the church ladies dressed their daughters in spendy smocked dresses. My mom learned to smock even more beautiful dresses than the pricey store-bought ones. When I got pregnant, she immediately wanted to know the sex of my child so she could start smocking. I had a daughter, Alice. Here she is at the beginning of August, wearing a beautiful dress smocked by her Grama.
My personal sewing history had, up until the last couple years, been a mess of tension problems, furious seam ripping, pipe dreams I could not play into existence, and laughable results. When I was in Junior High in the ‘80s, girls were required to take Home Economics while the boys took Shop. I grumbled all the way through burned pigs-in-a-blanket, scalded hot cocoa, crooked cloth napkins, forgetful table setting, and then… then came the foot pillow project.
My awkward, pubescent peers and I were allowed to select our own material to sew a large pillow in the shape of a foot. The other girls brought in their tidy yards of pink cotton prints. I don’t remember how my fabric choice came to be approved by my mother. She must have steered me toward some demure (bo-ring) cotton, and my stubborn railing wore her into exasperation (and amusement) as she must have foreseen how disastrous this project would be! After the other girls showed off their cheerful girly calicos, I unrolled a hairy slab of white faux fur with a pile at least three inches long. The Home Ec instructor pursed her lips.
Mny small hands could barely cut the fabric into a foot shape. I couldn’t fit the two layers of fabric under the presserfoot. I sewed much faster than the instructor asked. I promptly jammed the machine each time my teacher laboriously freed it from the roadkillish hunk of fur. My teacher asked me to stop. She even promised a passing grade for my effort to sweeten the deal. Any normal sixth grader would’ve enjoyed the time to write notes to her girlfriends, or draw caricatures of her peers. I wasn’t normal. Instead, I took the ‘pillow’ home to my mother, who hacked into it with the seam ripper each night, and gave me a deconstructive reading of how I had caused the latest pillow problem.
Somehow I finished with a vaguely foot-shaped pillow, of which I was immensely proud. Home Economics ended and I leapt ahead into the future. In graduate school, I machine-pieced a few quilts. After receiving my MFA, I sliced deeply into my left thumb with a rotary cutter, clean through bone, with the entire tip hanging by a thread. At the hospital it was reattached. I sewed the remaining ‘geese’ and readied my quilt for hand-quilting by my then 89-year-old Grama. I swore I’d never use a rotary cutter again.
And then my desire to make more quilts overpowered my fear of Olfa cutting blades.
I had my daughter.
I wanted to sew for her.
In my search for a natural, handmade doll for her birthday, I fell in love with Bamboletta Dolls. I managed to acquire one, then two, then three, then four.
I decided to sew for them. There are quite a few talented doll clothing-makers on Etsy, but I had my own ideas to add to the table.
My husband was laid off from his job in June. I decided to try my hand at selling my doll clothes and quilts, so I set up an Etsy shop called Dreaming Monet. I’ve spent hours perusing sewing blogs and fashion books for inspiration and explanation of various techniques. I sketched and described design ideas into a small notepad. I’ve spent dozens more hours learning how to execute these ideas – sometimes by the firing squad of my own eagerness to figure it out NOW, and sometimes executing in the sense of actually making my idea materialize—and selling it to someone who does not know me, for her child to dress a treasured doll.
But there is this.
My daughter.
Sewing clothes for my child, her dolls, and other peoples’ children and dolls is time-consuming. I spend hours carefully ironing hems under twice, often burning my fingertips with the iron’s steam. Many of the designs I imagine are simply impossible to create lacking a serger. To have more flexibility in my designs, more efficiency in sewing, more professional-looking hems and seams, the ability to complete many more projects in the same amount of time; to be able to provide income at a time when we are financially struggling, to soar farther and farther beyond the hilarious foot pillow and my sliced-off-and-reattached thumb, I ask you to please consider me in the Husqvarna Serger contest. Winning this contest would so very positively change my life, my husband’s life, my child’s life, and maybe even the lives of children and dollies around the world by allowing me to make my creations more available. Thank you for your kind consideration of my entry!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Strange Popcorn and Other Vices
Later that night, at home, we watched a movie. What better occasion on which to indulge? I ripped into the bag and was hit with a funny smoky aroma. 'What the...?' I hesitated a moment before putting the first kernel in my mouth. Then quickly--a second, third, seventy-seventh piece.
The popcorn was amazing. Normally a popcorn purist, I prefer mine hand-cranked on the stove with a small amount of butter, very lightly salted. In fact, I have gone through two hand-crank poppers in my time (and now need a third). But now, on impromptu 'just to buy a gallon of milk for Alice' trips to Whole Foods, I hunt down the bags by Popcorn, Indiana, and I ... buy them, even full priced. Whole Foods likes to keep me on my toes and they never keep this popcorn near the other popcorn, and it's always in an unlikely place. In the frozen aisle? Near bulk foods on the verge of the produce section? With the tea? In any event, I'm hooked. Bacon-Ranch popcorn, I'll have you no matter where I find you. There is no escape, for either of us.
I'm eating some right now, in fact.
During the last few weeks, which have been quiet for this blog, I've been busy. I'll showcase a few photos of the last month's work.

Whose Woods Are These capelet.
Black Forest dress.

Custom order.

Custom ordered blouse.

Girls in capes! L to R: Ellia, Polly, Ashanti, Monet
*Fresh vegetable juice from Whole Foods -- more expensive than a Frappuccino but heavenly. I like the 'kitchen sink' juice, which has whatever vegetables WF has in that day. Though I never go for cilantro or cucumber.
*Fabric. I have kind of an unpredictable taste in fabric. I like retro and reproduction prints, with a soft spot for '30s prints. I'm a fan of (especially, hand dyed) batiks. Japanese import prints -- I am dying to get my hands on some linen-cotton blends, but haven't found any at an affordable (to me) price. I love the whimsy of Heather Ross. I tend to love Moda. Joel Dewberry. And so on.
*Trims. Especially hand dyed silk and velvet ribbons.
*Dark, organic, fair-trade chocolate.
*'Mama's Coffee' (as my toddler calls it) made by my husband at my request -- I am spoiled! -- iced soy mocha.
*Hand dyed yarn.
*Checking out sewing or knitting books from the library, often through ILL, from which I then copy several patterns that end up in piles of other patterns, often to be rediscovered long after and sometimes then made.
*Spending long stretches on the Internet. Facebook, LJ, Etsy, Google, various crafting blogs, artist sites, etc.
*Okra. When I was pregnant, I once bought the last (multiple pounds of) okra at the farmer's market, much to the chagrin of the lady just behind me. That same lady became even more irritated when I got the last loaf of challah!
Perhaps you'll tell me one of yours!
News for the shop:
For fall, I'm planning lots of 'warmer' clothes for dolls. I'm going to be doing a collaboration with Jennifer of Graciegirls Dolls which will involve me making clothes for her smaller dolls. I plan to start selling clothes for these dolls and Little Buddies (Bamboletta) on Etsy in the coming weeks.
To celebrate and welcome the nearing Autumn, I'm offering a considerable discount on every quilt and bedding set in my shop. If you purchase any quilt or bedding set, I will refund $5 for any set costing $30 to $50. I will refund $10 for any hand-quilted quilt (these run $75). In addition, I will refund shipping costs, even if you purchase doll clothing as well. Simply mention in the 'notes to seller' section you read about the quilt promo on my blog or Facebook, and I'll promptly refund the difference to your Paypal account.
What would you like to read about in future blog entries? I love feedback and constructive criticism, and would welcome hearing from readers. Thank you!!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The three of us, along with Ellia and Monet, stayed at my husband's grandmother's home with my mother- and father-in-law who also traveled from AZ--though the pilgrimage is an annual occurrence for them. To finally meet the many characters in the family tree in person was amazing.
And I have to say, I am now a huge fan of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. So much so that we are discussing a possible move to this part of the country. Anybody know of any jobs? :-)

All five of us adored Walden Pond. I could have spent days there.
My husband and I did daytrip into Boston on the commuter train, while Alice's grandparents watched her for the day. We spent an invigorating five hours at the Museum of Fine Art (MFA) and then took the train to Chinatown, where we discovered a vegan Thai restaurant (My Thai) which served one of the most delicious meals I ever have eaten. Just finding a vegan Thai restaurant was enough to make me want to live in Boston. When we went inside, I decided I'd like to live across the street. Our appetizer arrived and I decided I'd need to live in the same building. When our entrees were served, I realized I'd need to be next door.
My one pang of regret was not getting to Tanglewood, but--next time.
New England unlodged some story ideas, which is funny for me as I've been producing mainly weird poetry and hybrid work, as far as my writing goes.
So, not the most coherent post I've made, but I wanted to put something out there since it feels like it's been a long time. I've got some fantastic doll clothing ideas to work through in the next few days. Thanks for reading!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Giveaway Baby Doll
Let me know if you become a follower of her blog; we will both get an extra entry if you do!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
QUILT SALE and a couple pretty pics!

Finished two skirts, a top and a flower hair-tie last night at 2AM! I am pleased with the results, and they are already on their way to a couple lovely ladies. The earth-tone skirt was for the custom petal skirt giveaway winner. I wish I could've given every entrant a prize, but rest assured, there will be more giveaways in the future.
To celebrate my first Etsy sale, I'm offering $10 off any $75 heirloom quilt, or $5 off any quilt / bedding set less than $75. Simply purchase the item and I will refund your discount via Paypal. Offer ends Monday, 19 July 2010, at 10PM Pacific time.

Our car overheated at the bottom of Mt. Lemmon, so we hiked where we were, waiting for the engine to cool. So much sun!

Alice was a champion hiker. She said 'Alice's hikewalk, Mama's hikewalk, Daddo's hikewalk,' and wanted to stop to climb every 'big rock' we passed.

I thought it was beautiful here so I stopped for a drink and to take a photo. I didn't notice the cloud at the time, but doesn't it look like a fairy or angel?
When we returned to the car, it was better so we chanced it and drove higher.

And there were a lot of 'biiiiig big rocks.' Lots of them. As we rose, the dry brush was replaced with pines and aspen.

We made it to my favorite hiking spot, just beyond Summerhaven.

In the forest I always feel weightless and completely balanced. We showed Alice ferns, gave her a piece of mica to look at, listened to birds and the sound of running water below us.

There were some fallen trees around the trail. Alice played with a pine 'broom' and pocketed pinecones.

We did make it to the stream. Alice and I waded into the cold water very, very briefly.

She would have liked to stay there longer. I wished we could spend the night in this forest, or maybe stay forever.

We sat quietly to see if fairies would come.

On the way back, we looked for the pine broom, but it was gone.

No matter. The pine needles on the ground are a miracle, as are the rocks one can find below them.
Filling the tinderbox for dreams.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
How Are You Today?

My daughter will be receiving her very own custom Bamboletta Doll in the next few days! She has no idea. Alice hasn't met Monet, because I wanted the first Bamboletta she met to be her own and I knew Alice's custom would be here eventually. I have carefully obscured Monet from view during Alice's waking hours. I'm relieved the custom doll will be here soon because there have been a few close calls! The doll will have curly hair like Alice.

The searing summer lingers well into what, to my Midwestern sensibility, should be fall. When I was a preteen and teenager in Nebraska, I remember Halloween getting 'canceled' because of the snow. Here in Tucson, the weather can blister through November.

It's officially monsoon season, but our house has only received the barest sprinkling of rain. Late afternoon, though, sunlight careens through dust in the air kicked up by nearby storms, and it can look wonderfully eerie.

The last two days, Monet has dreamed of a doll named Polly. Polly is newly arrived at my mother's (and grandmother's) home in Nebraska. Polly's dreams must be filled with cicadas and crickets, visions of lightning bugs, rich loamy soil in my mother's beloved garden. Here is a photo of Polly beneath the pine tree, surrounded by hosta. Dresses like this will soon be available for purchase at Dreaming Monet's Etsy site. The pattern was worked up by Mom. Don't you love these colors on Polly?